
Community Action During Climate Change

a torch lighting a fallen tree in the dark
G. K. Hunter founder of Gen Unison

G. K. Hunter

Documentarian, Author, & Founder of Gen Unison

G. K. Hunter is the writer/director of the PBS documentary Sakura & Pearls: Healing from World War II and the author of Healing Our Bloodlines: The 8 Realizations of Generational Liberation.

Community action refers to a collaborative effort by individuals in a community to address social, economic, and environmental issues. It involves a wide range of activities that seek to empower people to take charge of their lives and improve their communities. Community action can take many forms, including advocacy, education, community organizing, and direct service provision. Join Gen Unison today for free and start your own project in your community to mitigate climate change.

One of the key principles of community action is that it is driven by the needs and interests of the people it serves. This means that community members are involved in every stage of the process, from identifying the issues that need to be addressed to developing and implementing solutions. Community action is also guided by the principle of self-help, which emphasizes the importance of people working together to solve their own problems.

Key Takeaways:

  • Community action is a collaborative effort by individuals in a community to address social, economic, and environmental issues.
  • Community action is driven by the needs and interests of the people it serves and is guided by the principle of self-help.
  • Community action can take many forms, including advocacy, education, community organizing, and direct service provision.

Community Action: An Overview

Community Action is a social welfare approach that has been prevalent since the early 20th century. It aims to fight the causes and conditions of poverty and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Community Action programs provide distinct services in four impact areas, namely Early Childhood Education, Homelessness Prevention, Financial and Family Well-Being, and Hunger Relief and Healthy Food Access. Public non profit organizations play a crucial role in these efforts, such as Gen Unison based in Houston, Texas which offers a platform to connect people from different generations to start community projects.

Community Action programs engage the entire community. A community action program is often initiated by community coalitions or community action agencies, which generate an action plan outlining what needs to be done to achieve the vision for a healthy community. The community action program action plan includes desirable changes, proposed activities, timelines, and accountability, providing a detailed road map for collaborators to follow.

In summary, Community Action is an approach that seeks to empower communities and fight poverty by providing tailored services in four impact areas. Theories in Community Action emphasize community engagement, collaboration, and empowerment, and community action agencies generate action plans to guide the implementation of Community Action programs.

Multigenerational Community Action

Multigenerational community action involves bringing people of all ages together to work on community projects and initiatives. This approach recognizes the value of intergenerational relationships and the unique perspectives and skills that individuals of different ages can bring to the table.

One benefit of multigenerational community action is that it can help to bridge the gap between generations and foster understanding and respect between individuals of different ages. By working together on community projects, older adults can share their knowledge and experience with younger generations while also learning from them. Younger generations, in turn, can gain valuable insights from the wisdom and life experiences of older adults.

Another benefit of multigenerational community action is that it can help to build a stronger sense of community and social cohesion. When people of different ages come together to work towards a common goal, they can develop a shared sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the diversity of their community.

Examples of multigenerational community action projects include community gardens, intergenerational mentoring programs, and neighborhood clean-up initiatives. By engaging in these types of projects, individuals of all ages can work together to improve their communities and create a better future for themselves and future generations.

Gen Z in Community Action

Generation Z is a powerful demographic when it comes to community action. They are engaged with many popular social issues such as health care, mental health, higher education, economic security, civic engagement, race equity, and the environment. With their passion for social justice and activism, they are making their voices heard and driving change in their communities.

One of the ways Gen Z is making an impact is through online activism. They are the first generation to have grown up with the internet and social media existing since their birth. As a result, they are highly skilled at using these platforms to mobilize and rally support for social causes. They use hashtags, create viral videos, and share information to raise awareness and foster change.

In addition to online activism, Gen Z is also highly engaged in community service. They are passionate about making a difference in their communities and are willing to volunteer their time and energy to make it happen. Whether it’s cleaning up parks, serving meals at a homeless shelter, or organizing a charity fundraiser, Gen Z is committed to making the world a better place.

To engage Gen Z in community action, it’s important to highlight the values of community, collective action, and purpose in programs and communications. They want to be a part of something larger than themselves and feel like they are making a meaningful impact. Providing opportunities for them to get involved and make a difference will help to cultivate their passion for social justice and activism.

Overall, Gen Z is a powerful force when it comes to community action. With their passion, skills, and commitment, they are driving change and making a difference in their communities and beyond.

Millennials in Community Action

Millennials are a generation that values community and social impact. They are deeply committed to making a positive difference in their local communities and beyond. As a result, many millennials are actively engaged in community action initiatives.

One of the primary ways that millennials are getting involved in community action is through social activism. They are passionate about social justice issues and are using their voices and platforms to raise awareness and effect change. This includes participating in political campaigns, attending protests and rallies, and using social media to spread messages of hope and inspiration.

Another way that millennials are making a difference in their communities is through volunteerism. They are dedicated to giving back and are actively seeking out opportunities to make a difference. This includes volunteering at local nonprofits, participating in community service projects, and donating their time and resources to causes they care about.

In addition to social activism and volunteerism, millennials are also getting involved in community leadership initiatives. They are taking on leadership roles in local government, community organizations, and other civic groups. This includes running for office, serving on boards and committees, and leading grassroots campaigns to effect change.

Overall, millennials are a generation that is deeply committed to community action and social impact. They are using their voices, resources, and talents to make a positive difference in their local communities and beyond. By harnessing their passion and energy, millennials are transforming the landscape of community action and creating a brighter future for all.

Community Action Through Climate Action Plans

Climate Action Plans are how we mitigate Climate change. Thiis a global issue that requires the collective effort of communities, governments, and organizations. Community action through climate action plans is one way to address this issue. By engaging with the community, local governments can create sustainable and actionable plans that are effective in mitigating the global climate crisis.

Globalization and Community Action

Globalization has led to an increase in the interconnectedness of communities around the world. As a result, community action has become more important than ever in addressing global issues such as climate change. Through community engagement, communities can unite to co-create climate action plans that are sustainable and effective.

Sustainability in Community Action

Sustainability is a key factor in community action plans. It is essential that plans are sustainable over the long term and do not have negative impacts on the environment. By incorporating sustainable practices into community action plans, communities can ensure that they are taking steps to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Climate Action in Community Action

Climate action is a crucial component of community action plans. By taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, communities can help to mitigate the effects of climate change. This can include actions such as reducing energy consumption, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, and promoting sustainable transportation options.

In conclusion, community action through climate action plans is an effective way to address the global issue of climate change. By engaging with the community and incorporating sustainable practices, communities can take action to mitigate the effects of climate change and create a more sustainable future.

The Role of Community Action in Society

Community action plays a significant role in society by promoting social justice, community development, and environmental protection. Through community action, individuals can come together to address issues affecting their communities and make positive changes.

Promotion of Social Justice

Community action is a powerful tool for promoting social justice. By bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds, community action can help to raise awareness of social injustices and advocate for change. Community action can take many forms, from peaceful protests to grassroots organizing, and can be a catalyst for social change.

Community Development

Community action is also essential for community development. By working together, individuals can identify and address issues affecting their communities, such as poverty, lack of access to education, and inadequate healthcare. Through community action, individuals can create programs and initiatives that promote community development and improve the quality of life for everyone in the community.

Environmental Protection

Community action is critical for environmental protection. By working together, individuals can raise awareness of environmental issues affecting their communities, such as pollution and climate change, and advocate for policies and initiatives that promote environmental protection. Community action can also involve grassroots efforts to clean up local environments and promote sustainable living.

In conclusion, community action is an essential tool for promoting social justice, community development, and environmental protection. Through community action, individuals can come together to address issues affecting their communities and make positive changes.

Key Principles of Community Action

Community action is a process of bringing people together to identify and address issues that affect their lives. It involves working collaboratively to create positive change in a community. There are several key principles of community action that are essential to its success.


Inclusivity is a critical principle of community action. It involves ensuring that all members of a community have a voice and are included in decision-making processes. This means actively seeking out and engaging with individuals and groups who may be marginalized or underrepresented. Inclusivity also requires creating a safe and welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and respected.


Empowerment is another key principle of community action. It involves giving people the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to take control of their lives and make positive changes in their communities. Empowerment can take many forms, including education, training, and access to resources. It also involves creating opportunities for people to participate in decision-making processes and take on leadership roles.


Partnership is a critical principle of community action. It involves working collaboratively with other individuals, organizations, and institutions to achieve shared goals. Partnership requires building trust, sharing resources, and respecting the contributions of all partners. It also involves recognizing and addressing power imbalances that may exist between partners.

By embracing these key principles, communities can work together to create positive change and improve the lives of all members.

Community Action Models

Community Action Models are approaches that aim to build communities’ capacity to address health disparities through mobilization. These models are community-driven and designed to identify the underlying social, economic, and environmental forces that create health and social inequities in a community. There are several types of Community Action Models, including Asset-Based Community Development, Community Organizing, and Social Action.

Asset-Based Community Development

Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) is an approach that focuses on identifying and utilizing the strengths and assets of a community to address its challenges. ABCD involves identifying the skills, knowledge, and resources within a community and using them to create solutions to community problems. The approach recognizes that communities have the capacity to solve their own problems and that outside resources should be used to support and enhance the efforts of the community.

Community Organizing

Community Organizing is a process that involves bringing people together to identify common concerns and take action to address them. Community organizing is a bottom-up approach that empowers individuals to take control of their lives and their communities. The process involves identifying and engaging community leaders, building relationships, and developing strategies to address community issues.

Social Action

Social Action is a process that involves identifying and addressing the root causes of social problems. Social action involves challenging the status quo and advocating for change. The process involves identifying the social, economic, and political structures that create and perpetuate social problems and developing strategies to address them. Social action often involves advocacy, lobbying, and organizing to bring about change at the policy level.

In conclusion, Community Action Models are important approaches to addressing health disparities and social inequities in communities. These models recognize the strengths and assets of communities and empower individuals to take control of their lives and their communities. Asset-Based Community Development, Community Organizing, and Social Action are all important approaches to community action that can be used to create positive change in communities.

Historical Background of Community Action

Community Action is a movement that emerged in the United States during the 1960s as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” The movement was born out of the recognition that poverty was not just an individual problem, but a systemic issue that required collective action to address.

The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 created the network of locally-focused agencies serving low-income populations. These agencies were designed to empower communities to identify and solve their own problems, rather than relying on outside experts or government officials.

The history of Community Action is intertwined with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Great Society programs. This period saw a major shift in government policy towards addressing poverty, with a focus on providing social services and economic opportunities to those in need.

The concept of Community Action is rooted in the settlement house movement of the early 20th century, which sought to address the needs of urban immigrants through community-based organizations. The Depression and the New Deal also played a role in shaping the political and social climate that led to the creation of Community Action.

Today, Community Action agencies continue to serve low-income communities across the country, providing a range of services including job training, education, housing assistance, and healthcare. The movement remains committed to empowering communities to take charge of their own futures and to addressing the root causes of poverty.


Community actions are the driving force that changes our neighborhoods. a vital tool for shaping the development process and meeting the general needs of all local residents. The literature review shows that there are multiple reasons for community-engaged health promotion and research. One of the most important reasons is the need to address health disparities and inequities in marginalized populations.

Program evaluation can take various forms and serve multiple purposes, ranging from shaping a program to learning lessons from its implementation or outcomes. Social networks are an essential tool for understanding a community and mobilizing it for health improvement.

Community action is a deliberate and positive effort that involves the participation of residents in decision-making processes that affect their lives. It is essential to ensure that community members have a voice in shaping their neighborhoods, cities, and regions.

In conclusion, community action is critical for achieving health equity and promoting the general well-being of all residents. It is essential to recognize the importance of local community action and provide support for community engagement activities. By working together, community members and stakeholders can create sustainable and equitable solutions that benefit everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Community Action is a national network of organizations that work to fight poverty and promote economic security for all. Here are some frequently asked questions about Community Action:

What is a Community Action Agency?

A Community Action Agency (CAA) is a local nonprofit organization that provides a range of services to low-income individuals and families. These services may include energy assistance, job training, affordable housing, and more. CAAs are funded by federal, state, and local governments, as well as private donations.

How can I get help from a Community Action Agency?

To get help from a Community Action Agency, you can contact your local CAA directly. You can find a list of CAAs in your area by visiting the Community Action Partnership website or by calling 1-800-433-4327. Each CAA has its own eligibility requirements and application process, so it’s important to contact them directly to learn more.

What is the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)?

The Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) is a federal program that provides funding to Community Action Agencies and other organizations that work to alleviate poverty. Community service Block Grant funds can be used for a variety of services, including job training, education, housing, and agencies core federal funding. Grants vary widely based on community needs and the applicant’s service history.

What is the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)?

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federal program that helps low-income households pay their heating and cooling bills. LIHEAP funds are distributed to states, territories, and tribes, who then provide assistance to eligible households.

How can I support Community Action?

There are many ways to support Community Action, including volunteering, donating, and advocating for policies that promote economic security for all. To learn more about how you can get involved, contact your local Community Action Agency or visit the Community Action Partnership website.

Prominent Community Action Organizations

There are numerous Community Action Organizations (CAOs) across the United States that are dedicated to fighting poverty and empowering the poor. Here are a few prominent CAOs that have made a significant impact in their respective communities:

Community Action Partnership

The Community Action Partnership (CAP) is a national organization that represents over 1,000 CAOs across the United States. CAP’s mission is to help communities alleviate poverty and empower low-income individuals and families. CAP provides a variety of services and programs, including job training, education, and housing assistance.

Community Action Agency of St. Louis County

The Community Action Agency of St. Louis County (CAASTLC) is a CAO that serves low-income individuals and families in St. Louis County, Missouri. CAASTLC provides a range of services, including emergency assistance, energy assistance, and weatherization services. CAASTLC also operates a Head Start program for children from low-income families.

Community Action Partnership of Orange County

The Community Action Partnership of Orange County (CAPOC) is a CAO that serves low-income individuals and families in Orange County, California. CAPOC provides a variety of services, including job training, education, and housing assistance. CAPOC also operates a food bank and provides emergency assistance to those in need.

Community Action Organization of Western New York

The Community Action Organization of Western New York (CAO of WNY) is a CAO that serves low-income individuals and families in Western New York. CAO of WNY provides a range of services, including job training, education, and housing assistance. CAO of WNY also operates a Head Start programs frequently administered to children from low-income families.

These are just a few examples of the many CAOs that are dedicated to fighting poverty and empowering low-income individuals and families across the United States.

Gen Unison of Houston, Texas

Gen Unison is a private nonprofit agency that offers an online multigenerational community dedicated to creating unity in the time of Climate Change. It offers an intergenerational social media platform to support volunteer work and hosts productive dialogues about generational conflicts.

Learn more about Gen Unison’s Mission and find out more about your generation through our Generational Guides.

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