

G. K. Hunter founder of Gen Unison

G. K. Hunter: Founder of Gen Unison

G. K. Hunter is author of Healing Our Bloodlines: The 8 Realizations of Generational Liberation, a guidebook that chronicles his use of a form of inter-generational healing called Bloodline Healing.

After 2 decades of working as a healer and group facilitator with Jewish Holocaust Survivors, the indigenous of North and South America, the homeless, and combat veterans, Hunter developed a step by step process for unburdening the heavy history that we inherit from our ancestors. By releasing these invisible burdens, we can claim our innate gifts which lead us to our most purposeful and liberated lives.

G. K. Hunter is the writer/director of the PBS documentary Sakura & PearlsHealing from World War II, about Japanese atomic bomb survivors meeting the American Survivors of Pearl Harbor. This remarkable and intense exchange between former enemies continues to spark much needed dialogue about how we can resolve historical conflicts without repeating the painful experiences of our ancestors.

Hunter has presented at such venues as the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Cornell University, The LA Museum of the Holocaust, Pacific Historic Parks “History Talks” and NPR’s All Things Considered. Listen to a recent NPR Interview about the PBS documentary Sakura & Pearls: Healing From World War II HERE

Hunter has served as a Futures for Children mentor for many years which ensures that Native American children complete their high school education and have the support they need to follow their dreams. He now shares his skills as a workshop facilitator to bridge the generation gap and form intergenerational teams that stabilize communities in the Era of Climate Change. An avid surfer, he stays connected to nature by surfing on the beaches after a nice beach clean-up.


Tim Magee: Climate Change Scientist, Author, Gen Unison Board Member

Tim Magee is an internationally recognized climate scientist, researcher, mentor, and trainer who has over 15 years of experience in designing climate change action plans. Mr. Magee is the Executive Director of the Center for Sustainable Development and the author of A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation (published by Routledge, Oxford, England.)

During the past 20 years, Mr. Magee has worked with 5,000 training participants from nonprofits and NGOs in 154 countries on a wide range of projects and programs about people, the environment, and climate change. He has a background in renewable energy and wrote a pioneering book on passive solar energy for heating homes.

Mr. Magee is available for 1) a live workshop with your group to develop your Climate Change Action Plan or 2) to consult with you one-on-one about your Climate Action Plan. He was an early supporter of the environmental movement. “When I was in college, I became very interested in the environment. It was the early days of the environmental movement when people were beginning to point out environmental challenges—like population growth and DDT.”

In the early 2000s, Tim Magee shifted careers into International Development, helping nonprofits and NGO’s design projects as a consultant. He specialized in helping organizations identify ineffective project design and climate related challenges. As a research, he’s a big proponent of evidence based practices.

After seeing the devastating impact of climate change on farmer, including flash floods, wildfires and other extreme weather events, Tim Magee wanted to do more. In 2008 he founded the nonprofit, the Center for Sustainable Development (CSDi) to provide online training to NGO’s and nonprofits. He also provides community consulting to neighborhoods that are developing a climate action plan.

Tim Magee is the author of A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation. The book incorporates the elements of his three-legged stool approach evidence-based best practices, community based project design, and adaptation to climate change. This guidebook serves as a step-by-step manual on how to design and manage development and climate projects.

Mr. Magee has served as a mentor to many community leaders and change agents. Magee defines a mentor as “the person that listens very carefully until they can really relate to what you’re hoping to do. A true mentor can put themselves in your shoes and then offer experience-based ideas, techniques, and strategies to help you accomplish what you want to do. It’s somewhat of a transparent process where the person that you’re mentoring feels like these were their ideas. So now we’re back to the concept of ownership again.” When Tim Magee isn’t consulting, mentoring, or writing his upcoming novel, he can be found working in his vegetable garden and eating a climate friendly diet.



Lena Antoci Profile Headshot

Lena Antoci: Producer, Speaker, Mentor, and Gen Unison Board Member

Lena Antoci is the producer of the upcoming movie Life Listens, an inspiring documentary about mentoring the younger generations so that they can follow their dreams. The 30 minute documentary will premiere on the Gen Unison platform in December of 2023 through an exclusive streaming event. Life Listens follows 2 young women, Javera (Millennial) and Julia (Gen Z), as they confront the possibility of becoming homeless. Both young women were brought together by chance to the same mentor, Lena, which radically changed the directions of both their lives. This experience awakened Lena’s passion and belief in the importance mentorship.

Lena Antoci is a certified Life Coach and specializes in helping her clients to clarify the vision of their most fulfilling life. For the past few years, Lena has served as a mentor for Elizabeth House, a non-profit Residential Program for pregnant women and their children. This program ensures that the mothers’ physical, emotional and spiritual needs are met as residents heal in safe place. Lena Antoci was born and raised in Southern California.

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