
About Us

About Gen Unison

GenUnison is an online multigenerational community dedicated to creating unity in the time of Climate Change.  We offers an intergenerational social media platform for frank dialogues about generational conflicts and constructive solutions to bridging the generation gap.

GenUnison is a multi-generational social media platform to unite our communities into inter-generational teams that prepare our communities for Climate Change.

What We Offer

GenUnison News features:

  • Articles on Google News about developments in generational research
  • Video Segments featuring inspiring intergenerational projects that are helping communities
  • Original polling on generational values, priorities, and Climate Change solutions
  • Press releases (Paid Service) of our community members to promote their ideas

Our Blog features original content:

  • Face the Generations weekly Video Podcast highlighting generational challenges and their solutions
  • Weekly Blogs on reinventing our society towards sustainability
  • Documentary Streaming Premieres

Our Services:

  • A free social media platform to interact with people from other generations
  • Mentor Matching Service (Upgraded Membership): We offer a mentor matching service for developing new skills, traversing next steps in your career, and for advising on community based projects that improve your hometown.
  • Book Promotion Services (Paid Service): We support emerging thought leaders by promoting their books to a captive audience in press releases, our email newsletter, and featured blogs.

We at GenUnison believe that in order to build trust between our living generations, we must first clear the air around our challenges, misconceptions and differences.  Through facilitated encounters, members from different generations can more clearly understand the events that have impacted the unique individuals who were raised in different time periods. Clarity leads to empathy. Empathy builds trust.

We’re bringing the generations together to inspire meaningful projects that prepare your community for Climate Change. Together, our unison can reweave our society so it will sustain for generations to come.

Meet Our Staff

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